Saturday, September 15, 2007

Flying lesson #1 (more or less)

Well, it's technically my second, but my first fell on a very windy day, which kept me on the ground. Having received my flight lessons (including the Cessna student pilot instruction materials) as a birthday present from my wonderful wife, I really had no idea what I needed to be prepared for that first lesson. As they follow the Cessna curriculum pretty closely, the CFI just kinda winged it (no pun intended), and we spent that first hour and a half or so going over the instrumentation and pre-flight checklist. When the lesson was over, he told me to proceed through the first three lessons in the courseware in preparation for my next visit. Then he proceeded to go on vacation for the next week and a half. :/

Not wanting to go too long between lessons, I went ahead and scheduled my next few with another CFI, we'll call him John because...well...that's his name.

So, I show up bright and early this morning for my first actual flight instruction. It was an absolutely beautiful day today - not a cloud in the sky in the morning hours and about 60 degrees. I'm training in a 172S, so we grabbed the keys and checklist and headed out onto the ramp. As I guessed might be the case, John's instruction on the pre-flight checklist varied slightly from Pat's - some things stressed more than others by each, but I got the general idea. Basically, make sure I cover everything on the list and keep an eye out for anything else as I go. I think I've got it covered. I was also pleasantly surprised to find that AV fuel doesn't leave early as lingering an odor as normal gasoline. Good thing, as I couldn't avoid getting it all over me it seemed. As I hadn't had any instruction on them yet, all checklists after pre-flight pretty much required me to follow the list one by one, occasionally having to ask where to find a particular switch or avionics component. John was pretty patient with me, helping me to understand each item as we came to it. I got though the checklists ok, but I don't have any sense of rhythm to them yet. A couple of times he showed me how a few items were checked in sequence across the panel, grouping them for better retention, but it seemed to go in one ear and out the other. I'll get it all down in time, but right now I'm just being hit with so much data that some of it doesn't stick right away.

Finally, after some instruction on handling windy conditions, we start to taxi. Believe it or not, of all the maneuvers and other things I did today, taxiing gave me by far the most trouble. I expected it would take some practice before I could ride the center line consistently, but I didn't think I would have such trouble with my right and left. As logical as it is (if you want to turn right, use right rudder and vice versa), I just seem to have a natural inclination to push my right foot forward to steer left. I guess I just picture my feet pushing on each end of an axle, where I would push the right wheel forward to turn left. As such, occasionally when I would notice the aircraft drifting left, that drift would only increase as I wondered to myself, "Why is it moving faster to the left? I'm pushing the left ped....oh." I did notice a marked improvement during my taxi back to the ramp later, though. I just need more practice with it.

I was surprised when we got onto the runway and he gave me a quick rundown on the process and told me to go ahead and get the bird in the air. To help out, he managed the steering until we were airborne. I guess he didn't want to be held responsible for my turning the plane
over in the grass off the side of the runway at 30-40 knots. Once we were in the air, it all began to feel more familiar for me. I'll mention at this point that I've spent some time with Microsoft's Flight Simulator 2004. While it didn't help me much from the standpoint of actually handling the aircraft, it did teach me quite a bit about what I was to learn during this lesson - things like controlling altitude with power and airspeed with pitch, applying a bit of back pressure when banking to maintain altitude, etc. I was pleased to see that I managed my turn coordinator pretty well. Flying the real thing is actually easier than the sim from a control response standpoint.

I mentioned that taxiing gave me the most trouble. Second was keeping one hand on the throttle. John had to remind me often as we passed control back and forth, that I don't really "have the controls" until I've got a hand on the throttle.

Anyway, we went through the basic flight actions (climb, descent, turn, straight and level flight) for a bit and then headed back to the airport. Naturally, he handled entering the pattern and the landing, not to mention all of the appropriate radio communication (thank God - comms is an area I think I'm gonna have trouble with).

After landing we went through the post flight checklists, secured the aircraft and called it a day. First log entry - .8 hours. John told me I did a great job for my first flight lesson, and that I seem to be a little ahead of the game. I think he might be being a little generous. ;)

My next lesson is scheduled for two days from now. I'm crossing my fingers for great weather like I had yesterday. One thing is for certain, I have a metric buttload of information to absorb.

1 comment:

Flyinkiwi said...

Greetings and welcome to the wonderful world of cyber aviation! :-)

I hope you stick with your flying, I must say I had my doubts during my student period but there are moments when you are up there that make it all worth while.

Pilot and gamer too huh? We share two things in common.